Thursday, September 10, 2020

A Shitty Way to Lose Weight

 This year has one of those times when I put in a new weight floor (back in February) and then I struggle for weeks or months just to revisit my old low again. Sometimes even a modest change in prescriptions can have dramatic effects; one of my sisters gained a lot of weight over a mental health medication. I don't think I've had a year over year gain for some time  but it's embarrassing to weigh in at a doctor's office maybe 12-15 pounds you think over your weight. In one annoying case my BMI went up over a reading I had for an outpatient procedure earlier this year.

This, in the middle of the current COVID-19 madness a week back I got hit by some nasty bug from hell; no, not COVID-19 symptoms, but I rarely get run down, so this was new. It's amazing how unprepared I was just to take my own temperature, just to confirm no fever. I had bought a digital thermometer years back from Walmart, had never used it, and the weird batteries had died. I ordered a no-contact Chinese-made one via Amazon, and was unable to get it to work until I flipped position of one of the AAA batteries. I was about to order a replacement unit--no legible instructions on battery placement.

I have my scale in the kitchen and it can be sensitive with placement. Occasionally one of the batteries will dislodge and I have to reseat it. So I was skeptical when I first saw it dip below my February low. But down I'm down nearly 9 points since that target, almost ready to break another 10. Make no mistake; I'm still obese but I'm roughly in the middle of a range where I was during the 1990's.

But for the moment my appetite over the past week is crap. Solid food still nauseates me; I'm barely tolerating fruit and soup